Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day Number 2!! Will this maddness end?!?!?!

So here we are...almost the end of day numero 2 and this is probably the hardest thing I have ever tried!! (OK not maybe I am exaggerating haha!)
I was fine all day...I was actually at a training all day for work, and had a pretty good breakfast (courtesy of the fabulous hubby) and then caught up with a friend for lunch who was at that same training. BUT...the minute I got home...the munchies/cravings began!! What a game this is!! Hubby cooked another great (yet eh!) meal and it was I sit here getting caught up from the day it all starts to hit me. I WANT CHOCOLATE!! Not a piece...but a lot!! I want it so bad that I started crying for it!! (Yes, folks, I did!) Pretty funny to actually share this! It reminds me of a time when my husband tried to get me to do the South Beach Diet (which he was very successful at) a couple of years ago and I wanted bread so bad!! I can't live without my carbs! Anyways...I was with my best friend at work after school and I pulled out my phone and recorded myself begging for bread!! So now, whenever we talk about food while on the phone she will yell, "I WANT BREAD!!" and we will have a good laugh! Talking about the funny things I do does not make me not want some chocolate right now...but it does make me laugh!! And laughter burns calories...right?? hahahahahahaha
So...on to the scrapbook the last few weeks, I have been searching through the gallery over at Mousescrappers to give me some inspiration for pages that I am working on....I found this great page by Dawn (obumpus) of the Main Street Electrical Parade and I knew I had to lift it!! SO here is my scraplift of her page...

Isn't it cute?!?!? I used Britt-ish Designs Baby, You're a Firework kit and Cindy Schneider's 2 page Template! I really love how this one came out!
And speaking of Britt and templates...she is holding a template challenge over at to get started on that one right after I get back from the gym!
See ya tomorrow!!

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