Sunday, August 28, 2011

We Made It!!

Good evening all!
I wanted to posted before I have to go to first day back to work tomorrow!! :sniff-sniff:
This week has been an interesting one for sure! Earthquake on Tuesday and a hurricane yesterday! It wasn't as bad in my area...I am blessed for that. But there were a lot of down power lines and trees around the Metro area. I am just shocked that it rained for 24 hours straight!! Unbelievable!! But we made it though and we are grateful that it wasn't worse than it was...
So while we were on "lock down" on Saturday, I spent a lot of time scrapbooking. Unfortunately what I really worked on I can't post just yet,...but here is what I have been up to lately..
I got a few compliments about my green aliens...check back tomorrow...I may have a cute little surprise for ya!! Off to be now...wish me luck getting to sleep. :wink wink:

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Don't You Just Love IKEA??? Well...

So my hubby and I have been going back and forth at what we could do to get more storage space in our kitchen. We live in a four story townhome and coming form our "enormous" kitchen in Colorado to our townhouse size kitchen we had to down-size...well, I thought I had down-sized.... :whistling:
I was a Pampered Chef consultant years ago and through incentatives and product discounts, I collected A LOT of kitchen items that I just cannot put with... (OK You caught me....I am a nut for kitchen products...and a bit of a pack rat...hey, who isn't??? :whistling: again)
So long story...longer...we went to Ikea and found this beautiful buffet that almost matches our kitchen cabinets. My question to you is: Don't you just love Ikea??? It's actually a love hate relationship! I love shopping there...but I hate having to put together what is in the neatly packed, thin but gigantic boxes....
As always, we are optimistic at this point...hehehehe...but then the instructions come out...
Seriously??? What is up with that??? No words...just small pictures...and of course, let's not forget that all the small parts are in one large rhyme or reason!!
Believe me...this is not what it looked like when I opened the bag...haha
Everything was going bloody fingers, broken pieces until the the hubby brings out the big gun! And we have the first casuslity...striped screw! Uh Oh!!

 We fixed it...well, we fixed both...kinda... :0) 
So 2 hours later, hunger over came our destiny and we had to thrown in the towel...Buffet 1, Me 0...But doesn't it look beautiful...

Til tomorrow...we shall what happens with if we can finish the Buffet Saga...Good night folks!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

What a Surprise!

Hello there!! It's a great day today! It was very interesting day yesterday to say the least...
I had just come back from an adventure over at Ikea! It was a great trip! If you've ever been to Ikea, you know how extremely packed that place can be. But yesterday was fabulous...very few people and I found things there that I had never seen before. :0) On my way home, I decided not to go to the mall so I could get home to do some work....This was probably the best idea ever...
The routine when either one or both of us do when we get home is walk the dogs. Once I came inside, I sat down at my dining room table and I was on my phone, texting...literally about 5 minutes later, the house began to shake!! I thought it was a large semi truck outside but as the shakes became harder, I knew what it was, and I started to freak out!!
It was the craziest feeling ever!! As I watched my furniture and household items jumping and swaying back and forth, I just didn't know what to do. My dogs ran back and forth, just as spooked as I was...this will sound funny but when panic strikes, you really do silly things...the only thing that I could think of was to save our large flat screen TV. hahahaha I am really not sure where my head was but it was crazy! It felt like I was inside a washing machine...not that I know what that feels like :0)
Right when it ended, I texted my friend back, "OMG! I think we just had an earthquake and now I can't stop shaking!" Like I said, the things that goes through your head when panic strikes! retrospect, I probably didn't do the best thing that stay in the living room where I was but I am thankful that it wasn't worse! The news reported that the earthquake registered at 5.8, which they said is a moderate earthquake. What is crazy is that the epicenter of the earthquake was 100 miles south of DC!!
Moral of the story: You never know what will happen day to day...and you have to be mentally prepared for anything that will come your way. Last night, the more I talked with people and my husband...the more I laughed and starting joking about the events and my reaction! Live and love life every day to the fullest and don't sweat the samll stuff!
Enjoy the rest of your day...your week...your year...your life!! I know I will! Hugs!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Day Number 2!! Will this maddness end?!?!?!

So here we are...almost the end of day numero 2 and this is probably the hardest thing I have ever tried!! (OK not maybe I am exaggerating haha!)
I was fine all day...I was actually at a training all day for work, and had a pretty good breakfast (courtesy of the fabulous hubby) and then caught up with a friend for lunch who was at that same training. BUT...the minute I got home...the munchies/cravings began!! What a game this is!! Hubby cooked another great (yet eh!) meal and it was I sit here getting caught up from the day it all starts to hit me. I WANT CHOCOLATE!! Not a piece...but a lot!! I want it so bad that I started crying for it!! (Yes, folks, I did!) Pretty funny to actually share this! It reminds me of a time when my husband tried to get me to do the South Beach Diet (which he was very successful at) a couple of years ago and I wanted bread so bad!! I can't live without my carbs! Anyways...I was with my best friend at work after school and I pulled out my phone and recorded myself begging for bread!! So now, whenever we talk about food while on the phone she will yell, "I WANT BREAD!!" and we will have a good laugh! Talking about the funny things I do does not make me not want some chocolate right now...but it does make me laugh!! And laughter burns calories...right?? hahahahahahaha
So...on to the scrapbook the last few weeks, I have been searching through the gallery over at Mousescrappers to give me some inspiration for pages that I am working on....I found this great page by Dawn (obumpus) of the Main Street Electrical Parade and I knew I had to lift it!! SO here is my scraplift of her page...

Isn't it cute?!?!? I used Britt-ish Designs Baby, You're a Firework kit and Cindy Schneider's 2 page Template! I really love how this one came out!
And speaking of Britt and templates...she is holding a template challenge over at to get started on that one right after I get back from the gym!
See ya tomorrow!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

WOW!! Am I a slacker???

Well...hello, cyberspace! I have completely neglected my blog...I have been on a mission...well 2 missions...OK I will admit 3...
Mission 1: I go back to work in a few weeks. I teach full time, and even though I have had a great summer, I am ready to go back. I have a ton of things that I need to get done before I head back into the classroom, and I now feel like my time is limited again! But like I said I'm ready for the new, upcoming challenges this school year holds...
So limited time leads me to my next mission which as me worried...Mission number 2: I need to complete my first Disney digital scrapbook. I am close but still so's the problem: every time I finish a section or a page, I learn a new technique and I want to re-do something. I am not really a perfectionist...but when I have my mind set to something, I just can't let it go, and since this was my first trip ever to Walt Disney World, I want to make sure that this book is perfect.
Now even though I want to finish this book before I head back into the may not happen because I have now started mission 3: Within the last 2 weeks, I am on a mission to run my first 5K. Now let me begin by saying that I have NEVER run a day in my life before!!! I was the kid in PE classes who would fake an injury so I didn't have to run. Haha! I am starting slow and I have been able to walk 2 miles within an personal best was yesterday at 2.5 miles in an getting to 3.2 won't be a problem, but I want to do it in a run....I will get there and luckily if I have readers who will read along, I am going to be bloggin my journey. I think is the only way to keep me motivated!
Whew! I've gotta list and now you know why I have been neglectful...Howeer, look at what I created over the weekend...

The 2 page template came from the Little Grren Frog. Stolen Moments grab bag over at Funky Playground. When I purchased this beautiful kit, while I was browsing I found the Winter Wonderland kit from Funky Playground Designs, which is what is featured, I just thought it had that country Christmas feel.
One thing I couldn't find was an alpha to make my title. So I created one...and I figured since I am on a mission, I thought I would share with you...

Download Here
Hope you enjoy...and thanks for stopping by! XOXO